Frank Further
40 year old teacher
PC: abdominal pain
HPC: woke up at 3 am with sharp, stabbing pain in right iliac fossa
coming in waves, associated with nausea
radiating to right groin and loin
dysuria and pain when opening bowels
passed watery diarrhoea x1
started shivering just now
took Tramadol 2 hours ago
PMH: pancreatitis 1997 (due to alcohol excess, now cut down intake)
Hep B 1995 (was jaundiced for 3 weeks)
Syphilis 1980 (fully treated)
patchy alopecia (mainly occipital but also left parietal)
cholelithiasis since 1999 (usually asymptomatic)
DHx: Aspirin 75 mg od
Paracetamol for "aches and pains"
party drugs (none recently)
FHx: father: unknown
mother: SLE (systemic lupus erythromatosus
brother: schizophrenia
grandmother: blind and deaf
SHx: lives with boyfriend
multiple sexual partners (male and female)
smoker (about 4 cigarettes per day)
social drinker